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Someone who has a lot of connections and enjoys introducing people to one another.

Person 1: I'd really like to meet Bill Gates.

Person 2: I'm sure Bob will introduce you, he's such a ligament.

by !!!! 111 sleeper cell 111!!!! May 4, 2005

13👍 17👎


a bitch boy

Shane is a ligament

by dfujv g j I'm n February 20, 2021

3👍 2👎

crucial ligament

typically the word used to express excitement after fissure sniping someone from the forest picking mid in the game Heroes of Newerth.(Behemoth Carry)

Ryan "That fool just got the crucial ligament trying to snatch the rune."

Alec "No f'n way bro."

"Fissure snipe killed Dumbledore"

by Steve Muffly December 18, 2009

7👍 1👎

ruptured atf ligament

to tear the muscle or ligament around your ankle

She has ruptured atf ligament from playing roller derby, and is now in a cast.

by kinkerspaz March 11, 2010

1👍 1👎

Cut the Ligament

when you want a longer shlong

Cut the Ligament bitsctshchtsch

by iminhellplshelpahhh August 31, 2024