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Like to talk

Used to describe people who gossip or can't keep a secret.

"I wouldn't tell them, they like to talk."

by SwtMsT May 2, 2006

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Like a talk back radio.

This means that when you start a conversation with someone, they don’t know when to shut up, and keep going on and on.

You switch on a radio, and it keeps broadcasting until you turn it off.

Guy 1: Man, that brother of yours just doesn’t know when to shut up!

Guy 2: Yeah, I know. He’s like a talk back radio.

by scooby007 January 16, 2011

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Jin likes to talk about the weather

A term derived from Jin Likes Turtles. Can be used in the same way.

Person 1: Dude..and it was so awkward, he was like coming on to me.

*Awkward silence*

Person 2: Jin likes to talk about the weather

by Jay_Shay November 22, 2010

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not like talking about

Not as much as once was

Q: you've been working alot?
A: not like talking about

by jjb510 March 22, 2017

like talking to a wall

Talking without receiving any kind of reaction or response from the person you're speaking to; Or talking to someone and they react or respond as if you never said what you just said to them.

"I poured my heart out to her and she just stared at me with a blank expression on her face. It was like talking to a wall!"

by Doctor Mac November 7, 2013

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like talking to a dead bear

When you talk to someone and they either; don't care, don't listen, don't understand or didn't hear you correctly, or at all.

God! That (insert name of dusty old teacher past retirement) doesn't listen, it's like talking to a dead bear.

by 15989232 September 26, 2006

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I like talking to girls

I’ve never been one for guy talk.

I like talking to girls

by confused cajun man January 24, 2021