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Alternative term for penis. A penis has no arms or legs, just a head, therefore it is limbless

Shananana was scared when I whipped out my huge limbless!

by Limblessless August 23, 2006

74👍 14👎


Very very drunk

We sank 10 cans of wifebeater and we were limbless.

by inflateable June 26, 2004

13👍 21👎

Limbless Hajime

Limbless Hajime is one of the most cursed doujinshi in the Danganronpa fandom, made by Zakiko. It is an erotic fanfic of Hajime Hinata and Nagito Komaeda where Hajime becomes the most bottom of bottoms and turns into a horny child.

Limbless Hajime make you braindead for a while

by ToastisGayWaitI'mToast September 11, 2020

131👍 3👎

Limbless Hajime sexual

This means that you are a filthy Nagito kinnie, who only likes limbless Hajimes, but it's okay because I kin Nagito as well.

"Hey Hajime, I'm coming out to you as limbless Hajime sexual :) HAHGAHGSVFGSHJHNB"

by junkosslave69 March 5, 2020

6👍 10👎

limbless spider

Dude I don't fucking know

You're evil if you make a limbless spider

by Dingle Dongle sucks for taking October 18, 2017