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Fermented lemon beverage but screw that definition because its probably one of the dopest shisha flavours ever.

Ex1. Yo' pass me some of that 'cello.

Ex2. You going hard on the limoncello my guy.

by Backdoorband1t January 4, 2019


A drink from southern Italy rumored to, when taken in conjunction with cannolis, alleviate the symptoms of Covid-19

Yo Ananda, you been taking that limoncello to get over the Covid cough?

Yea Al, I’ve been eating the cannolis too, they work great!

by Alphonse Capone January 2, 2022

2👍 2👎


ImAtTheOtherSide's favorite drink

ImAtTheOtherSide sure does love drinking limoncello all night with his favorite bartender.

by NLMichaelK July 27, 2023


vanityhunt3r's favorite drink

Vanityhunt3r sure does love drinking limoncello all night with his favorite bartender.

by mov352 July 7, 2022

2👍 2👎