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little piggy

a little boy who is bewtween the age of 7-9 that weighs over 100 pounds and eats a lot and also has a pig-like nose.

hey you guys no anthony lingle man i called him a little piggy and he ran like a little thundercunt

by b ran jannsen May 21, 2008

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Fat Little Piggy

Used to describe a player of Counter-Strike who is less than 10 years old and sounds like a fat little kid.

UndamagedGecko called Huneboy a fat little piggy after Huneboy declared that he needed to stop playing counter-strike for "a snack break."

by Dean Tye February 12, 2004

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little piggy bun

When he a guy has a micro penis and it’s uncircumcised.

OMG Becky he had a little piggy bun.

by MsMiraya February 23, 2018

little piggy went home

when you’re snausaging and slip the pinky toe in the front hole

my guy was snausaging me and he tried to make sure the last little piggy went home

by spicynuggz June 3, 2024