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Fastest driver on ROBLOX. Leader of Powerhouse and 2-0's Cyclones, even real life ones.

"Did you hear about lonely_driver? He drove straight into a tornado and it dissipated."
"Powerhouse forever!"

by neontetra12 August 23, 2021

10👍 5👎


Arrogant, self centered, egotistical person who has helped nurture his old, and current teammates, into becoming as insufferable as he is.

"Did you hear how lonely_driver lost a race recently?
"Yeah, but he and his fellow biased Admins deemed the race a victory for him because they couldn't let their legendary team (which 99% of them are members of) take a loss against someone who hasn't craked their car, letting his already inflated ego become even larger."
"Afterwards he proceeded to spam POWERHOUSE #1"
"Wow, he and his teammates sound like huge dicks."
"They are.."

by deeznutsbitch!!!! August 29, 2021

8👍 3👎