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laughable; inciting outward laughter

Michael Moore proves time and again that money can be made off truly lulzy events.

by Paul562 October 7, 2007

176👍 40👎


Something that is worthy of laughter/being laughed at.

That joke was so lulzy.

Her haircut is fucking lulzy.

by JayWalker256 July 20, 2009

50👍 20👎


1.(a) Being or have content which includes lulz.

HAHAHA That's lulzy!!

by zzeazz May 10, 2008

59👍 28👎


Rarely heard outside of a few people, "lulzies" is a more whimsical way of loling. If audible, one would hear "teehee"

Sarah: "Oh my god I love unicorns! I can haz unic0rnz?!?"
Brooke: "lulzies, you're so funny!"

by BassMZero September 28, 2010

16👍 9👎


It's used in an insulting fashion, instead of saying someone is gay, you say they are "Lulzy".

OMG you are teh Lulzy!!!

by Garry Garrison December 5, 2019