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making brownies

Engaged in the act of anal sex.

I was making brownies with your mum last night.

by Wednesday April 20, 2005

78👍 52👎

Making Brownies

A heinous act of revenue which involves shitting into a dryer and then turning it on.

Bro 1: "Dude, these frat bros at this party are dicks."
Bro 2: "Agreed, that's why I'm making brownies before I leave"
Bro 1: "I got a big one brewing, I'll join you."

by konnichiwa_this August 19, 2022

make brownies

To produce loose feces; to defecate.

by Supine January 25, 2003

12👍 7👎

Making Brownies

Guy shitting and throwing up in a girls asshole then preceding to mix to a creamy "brownie" like substance with penis. Then the female shits into a pan to cook in oven at 420° farenheit.

Man me and that girl over there were making brownies the other day. They tasted pretty shitty.

by VARSATITTY June 15, 2019

5👍 2👎

Making Brownies

A great way to spend Thursday night before cake Friday, depending on what kind of brownies you make

"Charlie and Emma have been making brownies again"

by jaaackem April 2, 2019

Dude, I wanna make brownies

When someone wants to make brownies into which they have cooked their own feces in order to prank someone they have decided is no longer their friend.

Joe:Dude, I wanna make brownies.

Bob:Good idea, we'll give 'em to Carl. I'm getting sick of Carl.

by Aika March 5, 2010

making a brownie

When having anal sex after eating vast quantities of stomach churning foods

My girlfriend and I were making a brownie last night after getting that sushi from the bodega down the street

by Mattoooo January 2, 2020