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Manlet cope

The necessary self-deception every manlet engages in on a daily basis in order not to be driven to madness by the overwhelming misery of manletism. Humorously, by constantly and utterly deluding himself, the coping manlet only further inflates his already ginormous Napoleon complex, which leads to well-deserved public ridicule and disgrace. This then results in an intensification of the manlet cope. It's a manletism-induced vicious circle. Manlets, when will they learn?

Coping turbo-manlet: I'm actually glad that I'm not 6ft4. Occasionally bumping my head on door frames would totally suck! I'm lucky to be 5ft2 (starts crying). Superior manmore: Just lol at you - that's pure manlet cope! I can just lower my head. Good luck growing up, you delusional, little manlet boy - hahahahaha!

by ManletDepreciator August 9, 2024