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manlet mathematics

The completely and utterly delusional, laughably pathetic and farcical method of calculation by which the petite and effeminate runt of a sissy manlet boy unconscionably inflates his shamefully diminutive and dwarfish short stature.

Microscopic turbo-manlet: I'm 5ft4 - let's round that up to 5ft5. If I stand on my tippy toes, then I'm 5ft6. Plus, when I wear my favorite pair of high heels, I'm 5ft8. So that's basically 5ft10. If I now translate that into guy height, then I'm 6ft tall - finally a big boy (starts crying). Towering manmore: Just lol at you and your manlet mathematics. That's nothing more than spurious and elflike mental gymnastics. Manlets, when will they learn?

by ManletDepreciator August 19, 2024