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Attractive and beautiful woman with a unique vibe that you can feel since the first minute. A true friend that will always be there to give the best advices. If a Marilena ever comes to your life, make sure to enjoy every moment with her because she is a free spirit, and when she goes away you will want more of her magic.. :)

Do you remember Marilena?
Of course...how could i forget her? I really like that girl.

by maldito83 July 22, 2011

344πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


Marilena is one of the best people you will ever meet. She is kind, caring, funny and smart, friendly and talkative, but is also slightly blunt and can be insensitive. But she is the best friend anyone could ever have and if you have a Marilena in your life you must consider yourself to be very lucky and hope that she never exits it. I hope you all find your Marilena (so long as she's not my one, back off, i love her too much).

She really helped you out back there, she's a real MarilenaπŸ˜‰

by Tartan Tangerine January 3, 2018

69πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


The greatest love of my life.

I have never loved another woman as I love Marilena!

by The love of her life (I hope so!) April 6, 2005

165πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž


if u know anyone named marilena. congratulations. u have met god.

Did u see marilena today? she looked gorgeous

by Β°β€’:fuck:β€’Β° November 20, 2021


A really attractive amazing woman and one of the best people you'll ever meet. She is kind, funny, smart, friendly and the best friend you had ever had. She is a friend that will be there for you in your worst and gives the best advices and you should consider yourself very lucky if you have a Marilena in your life. You better enjoy every moment you spend with her before she exits... :)

Do you remember my friend Marilena?
Of course I remember her, I really loved that girl!

by Aurxlina November 20, 2021