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Marshmallow Fluff

1. A very sweet white spread resembling marshmallow candy.

2. The answer to life, the universe, and everything that has ever been created.

Wolske: Dude, what's the meaning of life?

Kimbo: Isn't it obvious? Marshmallow Fluff!

by Kickass Kyle September 7, 2009

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Marshmallow Fluff

A performative fart enhanced with the application of shaving foam

If you eat too many soap beans you’re going to have a whole lot of marshmallow fluff

by Ratbag133 October 18, 2017

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Marshmallow Fluff

When a guy is having sex with his girl while she is sleeping and he reaches his limit and pulls out to cum on her face. Then after he cums on her face, he places an actual marshmallow on her face with the cum to prove how strong and sticky it is

Man 1: Well, someone got some marshmallow fluff last night!

Man 2: "You could say I left my girl a little present on her face while she was sleeping."

by Kathryn Santini January 6, 2016

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