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mayonnaise jar

a gal who's been around eventually developing a cavernous and sperm lubed vagina from the multitudes of men she's slept with. A loose trick.

Did you hear her Nuva Ring slid right out when she was balling that nameless guy off the street? What a mayonnaise jar!

by Roundhouse Ninja Kick March 19, 2010

66👍 12👎

mayonnaise jar

Someone who frequently preforms the act of fellatio and is reputed for "swallowing".

John and Bill jizzed down Sara's throat, she is a total mayonnaise jar, do you know her number?

by Joe November 17, 2003

14👍 17👎

Mayonnaise Jar

when someone nuts in a jar until it's full then shoves it in his ass and has someone fuck him until it shatters inside him.

Dude yesterday I performed the Mayonnaise Jar and now I shit out of a tube!

by Quandale Dingle January 15, 2022

wide mouth mayonnaise jar

Wide mouth mayonnaise jar--The term used to describe the anus of an x-con.

The Dr. wanted to know how long I had been out when he said my asshole looked like a wide mouth mayonnaise jar!

by vernon dutton January 22, 2004

33👍 5👎