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A smart women who is playful but will be serious if u want hard to get super gorgeous great kisser very athletic worth keeping very loyal nice complexion beautiful smile

"Shes sexy thats gotta be a mercedez"
"Danmmm shes good thats a mercedez"
"That body shows its a mercedez"
"I need me a mercedez"

by Prince#12 March 12, 2016

93👍 12👎


A Goal Driven and wonderful woman.

A kind spirited and loving individual.
A Goddess with a beautiful smile.
Great personality .

Make's money, Doesn't let nothing stop her. Keeps conversations short and sweet. Hey & bye type of person. Could careless .

Omg ! is that Mercedez , she's beautiful.

Wow Mercedez is Great.

I love Mercedez I want to be her friend.

Mercedez is lit

Whose that girll..... olalalalala

by Jane reigns December 22, 2016

42👍 7👎


A Goal Driven and wonderful woman.
Her pussy tastes good.
A Goddess .

Make's money, but will take your's.
Apparently Mercedez Run's shit ..

Apparently you do not ..

OMG ! is that Mercedez , She's fucking beautiful !

Teach me Cedez , Please!

Damnnnnn! Look at her guys! She's gotta be a Mercedez !

I hate Mercedez, how does she do what she does ..

by x0o February 5, 2010

328👍 186👎


Mercedez, the girl of chirag's dreams. A very special person in chirag's heart. He's trying to hide the fact that he's dating Mercedez but it's so obvious even my nan can see. Mercedez is chirags other half.

Mercedez- Chirag is in love with Mercedez

by Mercedez and Chirag are dating November 22, 2021


Mercedez, Chirags other half. Mercedez is a very special person to chirag. They are deeply in love. Chirag is always hiding the fact that they are dating but its so obvious even my nan can see

Mercedez- Mercedez and chirag are in love

by Mercedez and Chirag are dating November 22, 2021


Black and scary

Ugh did you see that Mercedez in the closet.

by Isn't egg December 2, 2013

26👍 78👎


A quiet girl from school who has a totally different personality outside of school!
She's funny, more fun and loooves her weed and alcohol. She's a complete stoner, but you love her for it!

"Yo bro... I wanna take the edge off, do you got some pot?"

"No, but I bet Mercedez does, look, she's over there with the bong!"

by Queenafrica67 June 22, 2019

8👍 18👎