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The cardboard core inside of a toilet roll.

Hey, this TP is down to the merferator! Can you toss me another roll?

by Telephony November 13, 2010

27👍 2👎


Affectionate term for a small canine that cannot properly
bark, and can only make a "merf"ing sound.

My dog cant bark so I call it merfer.

by Jennifer McCabe September 21, 2006

12👍 6👎


A person that is considered to be a Mother Fuker.

Bob is a real merfer.

by HAB October 25, 2006

7👍 8👎


A big fatty with anger problems who grunts, has a dillhole fetish, likes the worst sports teams possible, and loses his kickstands.

Look at that merfer!
Haha hes fat and has no kickstand! Go vols!

by Dillhole lover November 14, 2011

4👍 5👎