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to defy your parents and ride a horse into the sunset, shooting arrows as your hair flies in the wind. Usually accompanied by not marrying anyone you're supposed to.

shut up dad that guy you arranged for me to marry is gross and im gonna pull a Merida.

by gender avenger August 7, 2013

59👍 11👎


1)Curly hair like fire.

2)To have unruly hair that makes you want to chop it off.
3) A girl with a very strict mother whom she accidentally turned to a bear

Person 1: Gosh, her hair sure is red and curly...
Person 2: Yeah, it's very Merida-ish. Did you hear she turned her mom into a bear!?

Person 1: Oh yeah! Her mom was really strict though.

by disnerd32 August 5, 2013

28👍 4👎


A person who doesn't want to get married, but would rather stay single and let their hair flow in the wind as they ride through the glen firing arrows into the sunset. Don't ya know?

Me: how did you get that arrow in your bum?

Friend: there was a merida let out last night in the glen

by Everymanwillbe-a-king August 6, 2013

17👍 8👎


A person who really loves to ride motor scooters but repeatedly wrecks them without getting hurt.

Merida really knows how to send it!

by Pndebut April 12, 2019

2👍 1👎


Not wanting to get married, wanting to stay single and let my hair flow in the wind as I ride through the glen firing arrows into the sunset.
Basically to be a Merida is to be an amazing feminist BAMF.

King Fergus: Pretend I'm Merida, speak to me.

King Fergus: shrilly voice I don't want to get married, I want to stay single and let my hair flow in the wind as I ride through the glen firing arrows into the sunset.

Princess Merida: I am Merida, and I'll be shooting for my own hand.

by reveriecauchemar August 4, 2013

13👍 5👎


A very sweet, sensitive and caring individual that never selfish and is well disciplined. She possesses a deep natural and compassionate instinct as a valiant protector of family and loved ones. Her greatest strength is her considerate and sympathetic nature to place the needs of others before her own. However, it is a delicate dual edged sword for those whom mistake her kindness and compassion for weakness and will immediately discover that she also possesses a hidden fury that she will reveal like a sudden storm when she is betrayed and/or taken for granted or advantage of. A true blessing for those whom she shares her life with. For any and all whom know her will always remember her as someone very special that they have learned something valuable about themselve through her traits.

Ann-Merida=Compassionate & Caring, Unselfish, A Valiant Protector

by Shibak October 25, 2011

4👍 3👎