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Merry men

A bunch of clueless men of average affluence, who have no idea on how to spend the little they have. They are usually seen wearing ugly looking agbadas, and attract only women of low self esteem.

He got a job and decided to become one of the merry men.

These merry men at the clubhouse annoy me.

by Az_D September 24, 2018

Merry Men

A slang term for homosexuals.

Merry Men marry men.

by TheHereticTheory May 6, 2011

7👍 7👎

Merry Men of Want

6 legends from Coventry that tour the UK. John, Tom, Luke, Joe (Tisier), Matty, Steve

Merry men la la la
Merry men la la la
Merry men of want!!!

by codnchips March 27, 2007

2👍 3👎