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mexican style

doing something half assed

showed up to work mexican style, didnt get paid.

by Winchesterma June 3, 2009

17👍 10👎

mexican style

1. When there is a lot of something.
2. when it is very crowded or over populated.

1. I saw 50 people waiting in front of the home depot for work, it was MEXICAN STYLE!
2. The welfare office was MEXICAN STYLE, it was a three hour wait!

by Rob G........ July 2, 2007

14👍 18👎

Mexican style

A sexual act wherein the male participant mounts the female from behind while wearing a sombrero, firing a pistol into the air, occasionally swigging from a half-full bottle of tequila, and yelling "Yi-yi-yi-yi-yi! Ah-haaaaaaa!" at the top of his lungs.

Danny: Dude, I got thrown out of my house last night.
Joe: What happened?
Danny: My wife caught me doing the neighbor Mexican style. I thought we were being quiet enough to avoid getting caught.
Joe: Maybe next time you should try rabbit style, Grasshopper!

by Tracer Tee September 9, 2010

10👍 8👎

Carrying Mexican Style

Carrying a loaded pistol or Revolver tucked into the front waistband of your pants with no holster.

The 27 year old man accidentally shot himself in the groin with his girlfriends pink pistol while "Carrying Mexican Style".

by Loaded80 August 10, 2011

ridin mexican style

Ridin a bike which is usually broken-down or stolen with a backpack, along with a plastic grocery bag or two on the handlebars. By wearing cheap/ghetto clothes, a chain or necklace, and a bandana (as opposed to a do-rag), you can really be ridin mexican style.

When I go to play basketball, I'm ridin mexican style carrying my radio in a backpack and my basketball in a plastic bag, knowing that my bike could break down at any given time.

by D-Block_NJ June 22, 2006

55👍 31👎

Mexican Style Abortion

When an abortion is given with a rusty coat hanger and a mouse trap how this is done. You take a rusty coat hanger and insert it into the vag and pull the baby out and slam the baby onto the mouse trap thus killing the baby and finishing the mexican style abortion.

Mrs.Hilton tryed to have a mexican style abortion but failed and gave birth to Paris Hilton.

by I EatedTheKitty March 3, 2011

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