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mexican taxi

When more than 1 1/2 times as many people as intended (rounded down) try to fit into a car. example: 5 people in a 3 seat car, 8 people in a 5 seat car, etc.

1: Dude, we crammed 9 people in my Jeep. We did a total Mexican Taxi.

2: Hey, get the fuck outta my car. This aint no mexican taxi.

by Anti January 1, 2005

46👍 15👎

mexican taxi

Ice cream cart (2 big wheels ) push by hand (hold 3 hombres)

by using mexican taxi we don't worry about US border patrol man.

Hay! senior better ride than under diesel truck NO!

also shanks mare takes longer get to LA

by itichie_nocanpo July 3, 2006

10👍 20👎

Mexican taxi

a paddywagon. it picks up and carries large amounts Mexicans to where they usually end up going...which is jail

Da'rryl: What kind of taxi picks up Mexican?

Mike: I dont know

Da'rryl: The mexican taxi aka the paddywagon

by DR. DISTRUCTO April 14, 2011

16👍 7👎

Mexican Taxi Cab

When people ride in the bed of the pickup.

We're going to take the Mexican Taxi Cab down to Home Depot to pick up a couple of landscapers.

by Turbo Buc SD December 18, 2011