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An aweful headache; the worst thing ever; a head ache that makes your head feel like it is spilting open

OMG I had the worst migrane after physics class

by skigirl February 15, 2011

39👍 9👎


I-I-I I got a migrane, and my pain will range from up down and sideways

Normal Person : I have a horrible migrane..
Me:I-I-I I got a migrane, and my pain will range from up dow-
Normal Person: nOOoOo-

by TheGayEmoKid July 25, 2017

13👍 3👎


A headache on steroids

My migrane is killing me
I have the worst migrane

by Random gggirl November 3, 2018

negronic migrane

When an African American gave you a headache

Yoo, requis keep on talking and he gave me a negronic migrane

by Ook and gluk February 11, 2018

My dick migrane

when u continously slap your cock on the female partners head until the female partner has a migrane from the pain

God damn it claire u got to stop the my dick migranes on weekdays you suck dick now you havent sold one magazine bith

by mark L Twain July 11, 2008

14👍 6👎


The most deadly kind of snake there is

Person A: Oh fuck I just got bitten by a migran
Person B: Go to the hospital urgently otherwise you’ll develop horny

by alternateUniverse September 18, 2021


When a white knight is simping so hard it grinds your gears.

Neil: I wonder what she will do when her looks fade.
Chad: Probably start an OnlyFans.
Neil: She is not that type of girl.
Chad: Stop simping, your giving me migranes.

by rubyxcoffman January 7, 2021