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The most adorable, kind hearted guy you will ever meet. Dont take him for granted hes quiet sometimes but gets wild, great kisser and bubbly personality. He goes hard , punches hard as shit. He falls in love easily, loves Ferraro Roche. Sexy ass mother f****r ! He is simply amazing.

Me: Is that milton?
Person : yeah ! omg he looks so cute today

by sweetlypink May 9, 2012

523πŸ‘ 136πŸ‘Ž


a sweat hearted guy,
a man that respects all women no matter what

very small or no temper at all

oh that Milton is so good to me

by Blake Rivers May 25, 2011

221πŸ‘ 94πŸ‘Ž


Freakin awesome, real tight, someone who displays desireable characteristics...

Man that dude is totally Milton.

by Reggie G April 27, 2006

478πŸ‘ 283πŸ‘Ž


A small town just South of Boston, which borders on Quincy, Dorchester, and Mattapan. As a β€œcut through” town from the city, Milton has little to offer. With some of the highest real estate taxes in the state, Milton decided to forgo the help of building a supermarket in town to lower taxes and instead built a third golf course. But really, who needs a supermarket when you can have Newcombs everyday? Known for its rich snobby attitude and elderly nosey residents, Milton youths have nothing better to do than drink. They will drink anywhere, usually the woods, the Q’s, the Dome, and the Crater. They will use ridiculous words like ytrap, knird, and zoob to throw off the adults as to what they are doing, even though their parents used backwards talk when they went to Milton High. Milton will beat Braintree ever year in football, and there will always be an Eastside and a Westside.

Teen: "Milton is so boring, there is nothing to do! Hey can you get your brother to get us some reebs so we can go to the emod and knird tonight?"

by Ytrap September 26, 2006

241πŸ‘ 172πŸ‘Ž


Milton is a suburb under boston, and its the least Suburban Suburb i have ever seen in my life. The West Side is almost all black and the East Side is all Irish.

The girls in Milton are fine. They are all slutty and classy but not snobby.

Alot of people think Milton is Rich and snobby but thats only certain areas, and you won't hear of thos kids because they go to private schools cuz they are pussies.

Southie and milton have a great relationship, i dont know why but they do. There's alot of dating and friendship among them.

The Quincy kids don't really like Milton. But everyone hates Quincy anyways so no one really cares. haha
east milton Square
the high school
the crater
Andrews Park
the Milton Food Mart
Kelly Field

drink all day
party all night
Fuck every boy in sight

sluts&Assholes from Milton know what a good time is!

by irishmoflow November 10, 2011

46πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


When playing the card game Hearts, the Milton is the player who stops the Power Run. This is always the second player to take points, therefore eliminating any chance of a Power Run for that hand.

Nad was one trick away from taking all 26 points when all of the sudden Jeff Walljewed, and took the final heart.

"Fuck this game," yelled Nad, flipping the table.

"One point Milton!" exclaimed Jeff as he reached for the scorecard.

by Nad Retard August 24, 2009

73πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž


Many definitions, a Milton can be a strap on Penis, a real Penis or anything you can stick into a female.

Many people worship the Milton as a type of God, they believe it brings peace and pleasure to daily lives.

The Milton plays a very important part in the lives of very many Greenwood High School students. We very much worship The Milton.

Yoooo, I told some random person to suck my Milton, & they looked at me like i just proposed to them.

by Giggles305 January 30, 2011

47πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž