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Said of a computer program which has, for economical and practical reasons, been divided in separate individual modules.

A modular program (or application) must satisfy BOTH these rules:

1. A module must have two or more features

2. Given any two features, there can't be a module that includes them both

Sales rep "This is the best accounting software on the market, it's just huge"

Admin boss "We're really looking for something simpler, that fits our needs better"

Sales rep "Sure! It's modular! So you need to buy only the modules you need"

Admin boss "mmkay... we just need to print invoices"

Sales rep "Great! All you need then is the basic module, the invoicing module, the graphics module, the paper module, the user-interface module, the language-pack, the online-support service and the module integrating module"

by Alworx October 10, 2009


The new format of most degrees and educational qualifications. Formerly, such qualifications would be assessed by a single or multiple examination(s) at the end of the work. Under the modular format, exams are taken at the end of each learning stage. A criticism is it puts too much pressure on teachers to constantly mark.

Teacher: "I can't cope with all this marking"
Teacher 2: "I know, the modular system fucking sucks"

by Deluded_or_summat March 21, 2007

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dividing something into the smaller something in order to understand easily

Our company will have a modularization for all departments in the next year because our director would like to control them.

by quocsubk February 9, 2012


talented electronic musician with good looks and talent to boot.

"Wow, that sounds so great, i wish i was as amazing as modular!"

by bernard bentlay August 18, 2003

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Pulling a Modular

Pulling a modular is basically being active on something then not being active for multiple months

Tom: Hey have you seen Bob around?
Jerry: Nah man, he's pulling a modular

by ModularLmao August 4, 2019

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Modular Diet

One of liquid richards best songs, it is bare minimum top 5.

Aye son, side of pork chops thin cut
Aye son, big side of pork and beans
Bacon in it, aye son
Bacon in it, aye son
Might drink a thousand liters of Pepsi later on
I was jerking off to Banquet meals
I was jerking off to Banquet meals
I was jerking off, I was jerking off (fuck!)

dude are you listening to Modular Diet ?

Of course i am!
Its the best liquid richard song to date!
Ok, carry on.

by xX_N0_PR1S0N3RS_Xx October 19, 2022

modular man

A guy who has many different distinct personalities and acts different in different circumstances.

Some are like chameleons, choosing to fit in with their surroundings. (ie. intellectual in a library) Others choose to stand out as much as possible.

My boyfriend is a modular man. He may have seemed obnoxious at the party, but when we're alone he's really very romantic.

by fox July 15, 2005

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