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An Appalachian term for mother.

I love you, Mommer' 'How's your Mommer an them?'

by Longhairedcountrygirl August 22, 2010

34👍 12👎


When someone's unnaturally deep voice vibrates through the ceiling

For God's sake, I'm trying to sleep and all I can hear is your voice mommering through the walls!

by Lazjaz December 26, 2019


one who nails the mothers of other people

jas and trevor are the ultimate mommers, they've got about 60 of them

by jastrevchahalsails July 9, 2005

11👍 25👎


Someone who immediately goes after a person's mother if you talk smack to them

Unsuspecting jokester: Hey, 1982 called and said it wants that shirt back.

Mommer: Oh yeah, that's not what your mother said when I was nailing her last night.

Unsuspecting jokester: Huh?

by ITGuy1972 May 18, 2010

4👍 12👎

yes mommer

When one must always respond to said persons mother with the words: yes mommy, mom, or mother. This is usually the result of heavy parenting and overly obedient children. Every Yes mummer is physically and mentally incapable of uttering the word no to their or any persons mother. The yes mommer is looked down upon by the group, usually because of their forced early departure time, normally around 8:45pm.

John: Sorry guys, my mom's being a bitch and is making me go home early.


Martin: Yeah right, you just can't say no to your MOMMY you yes mommer.

by SK AC November 12, 2011

mommer bomber

A woman who shoots explosive fetuses

Your girlfriend is such a mommer bomber

by PlayerBo55 April 4, 2019