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Monkey Feet

Feet that have the ability to grasp, cling, pinch, throw, scratch,pick and slap just as well as the hands.

Michelle Ward has monkey feet.

by moisttowelette April 18, 2010

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Monkey feet

1. When 1 or more toes are longer then your big toe.
2. When a girls toes are long and hang over her sandals and look as tho she would pick up something with her feet.

Damn! look at that girl. I dont think she should be wearing sandals with that bad a case of Monkey Feet.

by BelAirBassRocker April 2, 2008

36πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

monkey feet

An all encompassing term used to describe hairy human feet, especially feet that have hair on both the toes and the top of the feet. This type of affliction is more common among males.

He is extremely hairy - from his long hair to his monkey feet.

by California tomo December 14, 2007

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monkey feet

Its when you have a jesus toe.

When your index toe is bigger than your big toe and it looks like it can grip things

by Shelbs April 22, 2005

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Chronic Monkey Feet

The act of lighting a Tall-Bong by one's self using their feet to hold onto something to light the bong.

I was home alone and all I had to smoke out of was my 5 footer. So I used my Chronic monkey feet to light the Bong.

by The Party Starter June 7, 2010

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monkey spoon feet

The inability to provide a statement or answer to a question that actually makes logical sense. Often better to think before speaking. Statement such as "Be careful of meetings because sometimes meetings are only as useful as the meeting itself".

When someone says something that adds zero value or only makes sense in their mind, simply respond with monkey spoon feet.

by Munnling November 28, 2006

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Monkey Feet

When the head is so good your toes curl like a monkey.

β€œMan that head was so good that bitch gave me Monkey Feet”

by Акула August 3, 2021