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A motorist who behaves stupidly or aggressively.

"He's not a motorist, he's a moton or cager."

by BeeryUSA April 27, 2012

4👍 5👎


The pursuit of extraordinary objectives in mountainous terrain with the use of off road motorcycles. Enduro or Trials type bikes set up specifically for Hard Enduro or Observed Trials riding in extremely technical and demanding environments. Riders focusing on finding traction, careful line selection and skillfully moving through seemingly impassable steep, rocky, often loose and exposed places. Prioritizing low environmental impact while balancing the desire to achieve a clean, aesthetic line attaining the top of a ridge or summit. At times following the height of land no matter the difficulty or conditions. The Motoneer selects an adventure in a similar fashion to a classic mountaineer, then uses the added benefit and challenge of a motorcycle to embark on it. Creativity solving the problem by patiently laying siege to it or taking a modern approach going fast and light. Using a deep and wide skill set and fitness to move effectively. A successful Motoneering adventure is one that ends back at the starting point of an undisclosed location with riders and machines in tact and undamaged. Having left little to no evidence that they were there. The success and pride in it shared often only by the participants themselves or a small core group of like minded, similarly skilled and motivated riders.

The ride went from a great challenge to hard, then to full on Motoneering! Best day of my life.

by FloTech July 14, 2023


A moron of made up of entirely stupid chemicals

Did you see what Kyle did at the bar last night? What an absolute moton

by Elbridago January 13, 2022