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Mr. Wiggles

Term one uses in reference to the male genitalia; a term of endearment males use in reference to their own penis.

"Hey baby, Mr. Wiggles wants to say hello to you personally."

by Angelic_Sherry September 19, 2005

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Mr. Wiggles

The Nickname of a Zombie that leg that been blown off and crawls around on the floor. Mostly used by Call of Duty Block Ops.

Player 1 " Someone feed more Mr. wiggles so he doesn't bleed out."

by Schiffer74 May 29, 2011

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Mr. Wiggles

The act of inserting one's index finger unexpectedly into the anus of a female, then wiggling it around in a random motion.

I gave that German chick the Mr. Wiggles last night, she loved it.

by Angry B September 19, 2006

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Mr. Wiggles

ludicris's nickname when he does somthig stupid

1)mr. wiggles shot a man today
2) mr. wiggles suck a guys cock today

by tim casel March 30, 2006

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mr. wiggles

the nickname that one can give to ones own penis. advise and written on AF underwear.

i was so stressed when i came home that i had to drain Mr. Wiggles of all his juice.

by scribbles-maggibbles October 19, 2008

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Mr Tiggle Wiggle

A tiny penis that none the less sees a lot of action.

A Danish slang word, often heard shouted across the dancefloor at Copenhagen nightclubs.

'Oi love, look out, Mr Tiggle Wiggle is after you!'

That there Mr Tiggle Wiggle is out on the playing field again. He gets a lot of action considering his tiny stature.

by Torbaydos February 15, 2022