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Swampy bogland. (Or boggy swampland.)

I got the skidoo stuck in the muskeg.

by Weens September 10, 2005

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muskeg titties

this is the title given to fat women in their mid forties who do not shower as often as any other human worth a shit does. these women dismiss most, if not all hygienic routines from their daily lives and regularly wears bowl cuts or dike cuts with bleach blond streaks in it.

often miss-interpreted as an overweight trailer-trash lesbian.

dude- aww man! look at muskeg titties over there!
friend- peel off the scabs and youre good to go!

by filthy ronald October 19, 2010

11👍 2👎

muskeg whale

A large mammal that resides in everglades and swamp like terrain. Although smaller than other cetacean it is highly aggressive and will bite your arm off. Muskeg whale is attracted to the fungal condition known as muskeg dick, in which the fungus will emit a scent. Muskeg whales are rare but when spotted cam be seen emitting a stream of water through its blow hole on average 6" in diameter

Ex. Thar she blows the great white muskeg whale.

I got the skeg Dick so I best stay away from the swamp or else the muskeg whale'say get me

by theedragoon September 24, 2013

Muskeg dick

A condition caused by constantly being submerged in swamp water. Symptoms of which include itchy red swollen feet, and loose fibers within the urethra. A pre-cursor to this condition may also be seen as boots filled with muskeg.

Ex. Mom I think I got the muskeg dick.
The other day I was walking in the swamp and seemed to have contracted the muskeg dick.

by TheeDragoon September 24, 2013