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Becoming unconscious/asleep because of the effects of a narcotic/opioid drug.

Joe: Damn Jim, took 20mgs of Morphine last night and 5 minutes later I was out for 8 hours.
Jim: You had narcosis Joe. Taper the dose down to 15mg, you should be okay then.

by Rocker007 April 6, 2009

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postphagotory narcosis

That really tired, lazy feeling one gets after stuffing oneself on food. From: post, meaning after; phag; meaning eat; and narco, meaning sleep.

Duuuuuuuuude, Thanksgiving was soooo great, but I can't friggin' move... I got postphagotory narcosis!

by TinDefacto March 14, 2010

nitrogen narcosis

A drowsy state induced by breathing air in pressures higher than one atmosphere.

The scuba diver died of nitrogen narcosis.

by bdavid April 16, 2015