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A wealthy town in Connecticut that is most oftenly used in conjunction with the phrase "THERE IS NOTHING TO DO". There is so little to do in fact, that the teenage population has resorted to hanging out in the "Center", a designated hangout spot located in the parking lot of the local grocery store. With no place to go, they spend their days wasting their rich parent's money on alcohol, weed, coke, heroin, and buying new cars- most often Mustangs and BMWs. Smoking in cars, partying in the woods, and banging each other are typical activities that constantly go around the school.

Person 1: I'm from Newtown.
Person 2: Where?

by stellaa April 7, 2006

286πŸ‘ 102πŸ‘Ž


a town in CT or other states that is too boring to come up with a real name

I live in Newtown

by Jack Rafter April 25, 2003

98πŸ‘ 65πŸ‘Ž


Cool Sydney suburb, outside CBD.

"Let's go get some food at Newtown."

by Diego June 28, 2003

48πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž


Newton – a suburb of Sydney Australia (state of New South Wales), 10 minutes outside of the CBD. Notable for a colourful bohemian population numerous off-beat boutique stores and a variety of international food outlets, a lot of them Thai. Exemplary of Sydney’s reviled Terrace House architecture it is historically a working-class suburb. The neighbouring University of Sydney provides a regular stream of student clientele. The older and more rundown parts offer comparatively cheaper rents than other inner-city suburbs although as with most of this area of Sydney it is slowly being renovated, attracting more affluent residents. Together with adjacent suburbs of Enmore, Stanmore Camperdown and St. Peters Newtown is notorious as a focus for alternative youth cultures including punk, stoner, goth, metal and hippie. Not exclusive to any of these, the main drag – King Street is renowned for a variety of pubs and clubs including β€œTownie” (Town Hall), Coopers Arms, The Bank and Zanzibar, to name a few.

Wanna go to Newtown and get some thai?

by Gnosis 666 October 22, 2004

43πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


a place that has more thai restaurants than thailand

"i feel like having thai tonight"

"but i'm so sick of thai, i used to live in newtown"

by suzanne November 12, 2003

36πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž


Where do you even begin to explain this smalltown up north in the state of Connecticut?

Newtown's residents include many wealthy families, and yet many unwealthy to average families. The town has a gist of each four seasons, feeling the hot, cold, windy, stormy, rainy, snowy, or average weather. Although Sandy Hook is classified as a separate town, it is commonly included in Newtown, seeing as people from both towns attend Newtown Middle School and Newtown High School.

The teenagers in Newtown range on and off from the popular cliche cliques. Most of what happens in this town seems like it is some television show due to the amount of people that:
-smoke pot daily to on the weekends
-come out as bisexual, gay, lesbian, or not sure
-post or show pictures of nudity
-lie to their parents and/or siblings
-have sex or sexual encounters with a couple to many partners before graduating high school
-take birth control or use condoms
-end up being pregnant
-have an abortion, keep their baby, suffer miscarraige, or give their baby up for adoption
-get an std
-perform self-mutilation (cutting, burning, bruising, etc)
-end up with mental disorder (depression, anxiety, etc)
-develop eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, overeating, etc)
-drink many times per week, most of the time just to get drunk
-end up in the hospital (for physical and/or mental reasons)
-become severely injured
-need prescription medication
-cheat on their significant other
-cheat on tests, homework, and whatnot
-steal or shoplift
-dye their hair (highlights, combination of colors, brown, blonde, black, red, green, blue, purple, pink, etc)
-end up in therapy or having to go to a special school
-become friends with many people from other towns (brookfield, hartford, shelton, danbury, redding, trumbull, etc)
-spend most to all of their free time on myspace, facebook, and/or aim
-walk throughout the town or hitch rides
-experience their parents divorce, become ill, or pass on
-become suicidal
-skip classes
-run away
-get low self esteem
-get piercings and gages (with or without parental consent; ears, belly button, eyebrows, nose, lip, tongue, facial, etc)
-get tattoos underage
-experiment smoking various things
-experiment with many types of drugs
-sell drugs
-threaten someone (accidently, jokingly, purposely, etc)
-obtain weapon (pocket knife, gun, etc)
-use weapon
-have older-aged people buy them cigarettes
-smoke cigarettes underage and become addicted by or before legal age
-become attention seeking and attempt to do something listed above
-have a similar or different problem than what is listed above
-not be one of the people with such common problems like listed above

Although it may seem that half to three fourths of a teenager's grade does many of those things, there are some good to well-rounded students that have thought about many of those various issues, known someone or many people with one or more of those various issues, made a decision not to do or be associated with any of those things, and try to do well in school.

Many middle schoolers tend to walk after school to local places like:
-big y (including the parking lot)
-dunkin donuts
-andrea's bakery
-dynasty chinese food
-the ice cream shop
-general store

Many hang outs for a wide range of teenagers include:
-the center (big y and the stores surrounding it)
-friend's houses
-woods and streets
-teen center (inside, outside)
-football games
-edmond town hall (inside, behind, in front)
-loews/amc theaters
-local stores
-danbury mall

It could be that in this town you will:
-meet the best friends of your life
-lose the best friends of your life
-fall in and/or out of peer pressure
-find someone that you love
-lose someone that you love
-witness some not great moments
-witness some very great moments
-laugh and cry
-learn something (whether it's from school or not)
-find out what you are passionate about
-feel let down or like you have messed up
-regain what you have lost
-reach self-discovery

Person A: Where are you from?
Person B: Newtown. In Connecticut.
Person A: Oh, how is it there?
Person B: You know...

by blonde girl March 8, 2008

17πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


A ghetto area of inner-city birmingham, located in-between Aston and Lozells. It has a very large black population, in fact, you are unlikely to find a single white person who lives there. It is one of the most deprived areas in the UK.

Dont EVER go to Newtown, unless you want to get shot.

by snipez February 2, 2006

8πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž