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One of the most beautiful person in the world. Nizam is the opposite of selfishness, he takes care of who he loves. He is funny, kind and sweet. He loves to have friend and he is good with everyone no matter what happen. With him, you can laugh forever and he gives all his energy to make you happy.

Nizam is a piece of happiness and kindness !

by 21barka October 22, 2019

149๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


How to describe Nizam? There are so many things to say about him!

Nizam is very kind, he loves others and he always smiles even he's not feeling good. He wants to give positive to others. He is happy and sweet every day. Nizam will give you happiness.

Nizam is a beautiful and very sexy lover.

Nizam like a teddy bear

by 21barka October 23, 2019

13๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


Person who likes to throw pity parties for no reason. yo momma.

S: Your face is Ugly
Nizam: I know, PP woo hi argh not cool. argh
S: Yo momma.

by About April 26, 2009

32๐Ÿ‘ 97๐Ÿ‘Ž


A 'Nizam' is a person who will repeat the things that you say (like a parrot). Sometimes you don't know if he's just having fun or if it is a serious condition.

"Stop it, you're being a Nizam right now."

by lanerdtheturd March 21, 2018

4๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

sharul nizam

A reliable and kind guy who always keep a lookout for the ones he love. Sometimes strict but he scold others only because he care for them. Softie & thats what makes him lovable.

Sharul Nizam is really reliable.

by Kbm4 January 4, 2018

Safdar Nizam

Safdar is common snake found in many friend circles.

You're such a Safdar Nizam!

by Safdar Nizam August 14, 2020

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Qudrat Ka Nizam

Literal translation from Urdu language is 'System of Nature'.

Primarily used in Cricket, to denote some sort of supernatural intervention that changes the course of outcomes in games, that could not be explained otherwise.

Pakistan cricket team somehow always finds a way to qualify for the knockout stages, thanks to Qudrat Ka Nizam!

by cricketexpert68 November 9, 2023

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