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Nkem is a Igbo Nigerian name given to both girls and boys. Nkem’s are funny and always smiling. They light up people’s life and are almost always happy. Even through bad times they still smile. They are very generous and extremely helpful. Nkem’s tend to attract many types of people to them due to their charisma and amazing personality. Nkem’s are very attractive (and beautiful if a girl) and tend to attract many of the opposite sex to them. They are incredibly smart and have many talents. They are great at making people laugh and are usually the light amongst others. They will brighten your life and make you see things in different lights. Nkem’s tend to doubt themselves but this may not show often. They can also be quite emotional but often try hide this. Some Nkem’s are also very gullible but still keep their sense of humour and their weirdness. Nkem’s are super loving and therefore want love back and tend to show this by expressing love to others. However, they can sometimes have a short temper and low patience. They are extremely ambitious and tend to be planners or think ahead. If you have a Nkem in your life, you should hang onto them because you will never meet another person like Nkem.

Omg is that Nkem? Now today’s gonna be amazing.

by omgyasss123 May 2, 2019

94👍 3👎


Pronounced In-Chem

Unisex African name meaning "mine" or "my own"

Nkems are smart, intelligent and highly irresistible to the opposite sex.

She's Nkem...


Look at Nkem

by blahs... February 16, 2009

151👍 27👎


nigerian vernacular term of endearment like darling, or dear, or babe, meaning ultimately "mine."

"Nkem, could you come over please?" said my uncle Clarence* to my aunt Doreen*

*real names withheld!

by Nkem? maybe? September 30, 2009

84👍 21👎


A boy/man who is only good at screwing up the most basic of things

He really NKEMed it up

by Reaperpew February 8, 2017

5👍 57👎


Nkem....If you have an nkem hold on to them reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll tight cause once you let go you realize your mistake. Nkems are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hottttttttttttttt but donnt think they are. if you have an nkem please please please remind them how special they are cause once you do youll feel so happy.

Woah, look at Nkem, theyre so hot.
Your so sweet, youre such an Nkem.

by thatonehotassfriend July 14, 2023