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No fucks to give

When you really just don't give a fuck or you just don't care anymore.

He's always whining about not having any money. I have no fucks to give Jim since he simply lives off his parents' pity.

by Word2014 May 4, 2015

42๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

No fucks to give

When you really just don't give a fuck or you just don't care anymore.

if you think i care well there are no fucks to give.

by No fucks November 21, 2015

15๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

No fucks to give

When you really just don't give a fuck or you just don't care anymore.

well if you think i care, you are wrong there are no fucks to give.

by No fucks November 21, 2015

16๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

fuck to give

If you have a "fuck to give", it means you actually care about the situation or problem, which is generally rare. A "fuck to give", can also quickly disappear.

When you don't have a "fuck to give", you have no intention of caring about anything that relates to the problem/situation/statement.

"So, Monday morning I had a terrible experience. I had-" "I don't have a fuck to give."

by Jam3s_B0nd July 16, 2014

Fucks I give

It has no meaning, due to the fact I don't give any

Paul: Hey man, I'm going to San Fransisco
Dylan: This is the amount of fucks I give *points to nothing*

by PairOfDucks February 22, 2015

the amount of fucks i give


No fucks shall be given today

not a single fuck will be given today
The amount of fucks I give is 0

by Fap master 22 October 8, 2013

I haven't a fuck to give.

When you are all out of fucks to give about anything at all. Or when someone states the obvious right in your face so hard that a fuck would be wasted on them.

"Easter was last week..."
"I haven't a fuck to give."

by 87 vaginas January 16, 2009

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