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Notarizing a woman is the act of mushroom stamping a woman on her face.

Did you hear John notarized Gertrude last night?

by SaltyTude January 21, 2018

4👍 2👎


A very strong man, who is very wise and has the capability to notarize any situation under any circumstances. Typically a man who has a first name starting with the letter J and a BAC of at least .1.

I am The Notarizer! (In deep voice, while flexing)

by Tony2Beer March 9, 2019


A Notar is a being who is superior by is spirit. Notars are frequently beings who made an heroic act that gave them that name. A Notar can also be associated with high intelligence, spirituality and philosophy.
That name have to be use with a capital letter.

Platon was a Notar.
With that discovery mate you will become a Notar!

by Moiraine Damodred November 24, 2021

notarized the forehead

Defensive tactic involves the use of a small and powerful tactical flashlight to first blind an attacker and then hammer fist their head with the end of the light, leaving a series of circular shaped wounds that resemble notarizing stamp marks. Not recommended unless the attacker poses an immediate threat of death or serious bodily injury, you could get charged with a felony.

A drunk attacked me at the karaoke bar last Saturday and I notarized the forehead with my flashlight. He went to the ER and then the cops took him to jail. If

by Cumbre Vieja May 10, 2022