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to go on an all out smoke-athon where the "nuller" smokes everyday of a weekend atleast six bowls everyday of the weekend, the six bowls must be one after another or the "nuller" is a "wankin-nulla" which is a huge poon-job

last weekend me and og smoke got nulled to the fullest

this weekend we are totally getting nulled

by ryan March 26, 2005

3๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


(in psychology/neuropsychology)

the opposition of an unknown state of being to a known standard that equalizes the relation between two individuals and neutralizes the potential of imminent dominance or violence.

(debt to 'the oxford companion to the mind' -- but original interp/application)

when a chemical reaction causes the body to go entirely numb --without stimulation or sensation. while temporarily numb, the individual remains proprioceptively acute (finely measured balance, spatial orientation, precise movement etc.). in this state of physical "nullification" --or "nulling"-- the subject's reflexes, instincts, and cognizance are enhanced, so that she can perform quick analyses and respond fluidly.

in this case, the subject, sensing danger --subconsciously-- enacts the "unknown state" and looks for the "known standard" in order to neutralize the power relation and stabilize a threatening or dangerous individual long enough to ensure safety.

i only know --experientially-- of an involuntary chemical reaction that numbs the body and sets the "unknown state" in motion. i am not aware that it is evoked as a praxis in self defense or criminal psychology.

by siras March 11, 2011

1๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


when a company releases a script/program they have code in the scripts that call back home after u have installed it!

therefore the company can see who u are and whether u bought the script or not etc.

to null a script is to take away the "call back" so that u dont get in dog shit for installing a script that u didnt buy! hope this helped???

Person1: Cool I Got Hivemail
Person2: Wont you get dun in for that stuff?
Person: Naw, its nulled

by BBoy69 July 13, 2004

195๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž


In certain communities, null can be defined as the fetishism of characters without genitals and/or other defining bits. Null fetish usually tends to be accompanied by suggestive poses and more cartoony anatomy.

"I grew up with cartoons which probably helped develop my null fetish."

by yourerealname666 January 11, 2021

19๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


Amounting to nothing of significance

Issues are null at this time

by Makeline June 15, 2017

46๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


What might've once been useful is rendered null and void. Natural nothingness. Absolute absence. Complete chaos.

"//null is waiting on us. It will encompass us in its grace. And yet darker we will go."

by //null April 6, 2019


German for zero
And also I have seen it in YouTube.

Null Eins Zwie Drei 0123

by Vivbuscus June 27, 2015

77๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž