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A fucking retarded setting in warcraft 3 that has in fact stumped millions as to what it actually does...

"Hey man i rang up blizzard today to find out what that occlusion setting is!"

----O RLY WAT IS IT WAT DUS IT DOO?!!!11one.

"They have no idea :("

by Whole Stole The Name Josh !!! *angry face* January 12, 2008

29👍 10👎

Solar Occlusion

A phenomenon that occurs when a large amount of light, typically coming from the Sun, obstructs drivers' view, causing traffic accidents.

The new bridge was designed to help prevent solar occlusion.

by SpiralShape February 17, 2023

4👍 1👎


The systematic process of blocking others from participation in order to overtake their position, often characterized by malice or contempt. Majority exclusion by virtue of a systematic process. To gain from a position of weakness by excluding other from a systematic process. To advance strengths, capabilities, and opportunities beyond one's own self-reliant and natural capabilities due to a process of exclusion, leverage, and malice.

Corporations like Facebook began as a local social media group, but their occlusive membership created demand that stretched beyond the Harvard campus.

by Over_the_hedge June 16, 2023