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Old Men

A term used for the popular drug heroin.

Damm, how much for some Old Men?

by Shu November 15, 2003

47πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž

No Country For Old Men

A good movie that's gotten a bad rap due to stubborn fans using poor defenses of the film when it's criticized.

They often say people just "don't get it" if they don't like it and anyone who doesn't should go watch Transformers 2 (or whatever other film which is at the time popular for lacking plot and overusing CGI, etc).

Personally, however, I still find it to be a very good movie, it's just unfortunate that it's gotten such a bad rep due to stubborn defenders who can't deal with other opinions

Some guy: No Country For Old Men sucked!

Stubborn NCFOM fan: You just didn't get it, go watch Transformers 2!

Some guy: You're stupid for liking it!

Stubborn NCFOM fan: No, you are!

Sensible person: Wouldn't it be easier to simply accept some people didn't like the movie, instead of giving its fanbase a bad name?

Stubborn NCFOM fan: Go watch Transformers!

by IWasFrozenToday January 7, 2010

84πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

Creepy old men

Usually defined as old (and/or significantly older), overweight and unattractive. They are usually in their mid-thirties to forties and older. They could have one of these traits or all three. The name is applied to these individuals who creep and stare at young adolescent boys and girls as well as high school and college aged females and males. In a female's point of view, we are freaked out by these guys and find it scary that someone as old as our fathers and/or grandfathers are sexually attracted to us. Other than that, we make fun of them for thinking they have a chance with us young-ins.

Normal 17 year old girl walks by a group of creepy old men and they creepily stare at her and have lusting eyes. 17 year old girl is creeped out by this and runs away.

by weirdworld November 19, 2010

78πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

No Country for Old Men

A movie (and book) about a Texas bumpkin who stumbles across $2 million, heroin and a slew of dead drug dealers in the desert. Rather than doing the civil deed of contacting authorities, the bumpkin steals the money and is subsequently chased by a silly-lookin' fella with a bad haircut. Although (we're told) the bad haircut dude kills anyone who inconveniences him, the case rule exception is morbidly obese beauty queens at trailer parks. As all of this is going on, a small town codger sheriff chats with people and occasionally investigates the case, but otherwise has little to do with the bumpkin and the bad haircut dude.

By the end, the audience has just witnessed the same allegories, cliches and plot holes of cinema in the past 60 years (although the film's apologists claim we just "didn't get it", and that the movie has a profound, cryptic meaning - which is often their own interpretation.) While "No Country" did gain a significant amount of critical/award acclaim, reception was actually much more polarized, evident by the defensive/flamebait nature of the film's defenders.

NCFOM Fanboy: I think anyone who doesn't like this film should just watch a Hollywood-produced movie with gratuitous violence, explosions, car crashes and limited character development, such as Die Hard 4 or Transformers!

COMMON SENSE MOVIEGOER: But wasn't "No Country For Old Men" also a Hollywood-produced movie with gratuitous violence, explosions, car crashes and limited character development?

NCFOM Fanboy: U just didn't understand it! Who are UR favorite directorz? I bet I know.

COMMON SENSE MOVIEGOER: Well, I liked the Coen brothers' films before they made the "No Country" BS. I'm also a fan of movies by Scorsese, Kubrick, Huston, Jarmusch, Lumet, Eastwood, Welles...

NCFOM Fanboy: HA HA HA, I knew it! Didn't the Stanley Kubrick guy direct the first and second TRANSFORMERS moviez? HA HA HA, U suck, case closed!

by ChoWares May 5, 2009

313πŸ‘ 166πŸ‘Ž

Old Men Grooving

The hottest dance group of old men to ever exist.

I love Old Men Grooving, they’re my dads!

by A-ness January 1, 2018

No Country for Old Men

A documentary showcasing the John McCain run for president of the United States of America.

John McCain did not become president because this is no country for old men

by thetrueironman August 27, 2009

68πŸ‘ 84πŸ‘Ž

No Country for Old Men

The greatest and best movie of all time. Of all time.
A metaphor for how generation X and Y have degraded society and culture resulting in a time and a place unfit for old men.

Hey friendo, No Country for Old Men is the greatest and best movie of all time. Call it.

by Chad Jones July 7, 2022

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž