Source Code


Grave, Threatening "something that is perceived to have a bad outcome", "does not bode well"
A feeling we're struck by when perceiving a threat, mostly through what we see or hear.

"The employee made a grave mistake, and his boss looks at him Ominously".
"The ship sailed into treacherous waters, now ominously surrounded by rocks under shallow water"
"The survivor of the crash, finds him self in an ominously looking landscape".
"As Indiana Jones walks into the pitch black cave, he is met with an Ominously loud shriek echoing from further in".

by Guardian H-H June 19, 2015

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1. Menacing, threatening .

2. Of or being an omen, especially an evil one.

Downtown looks ominous today......

by 1337manlolnubcake September 27, 2009

116๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


an indication of difficult times ahead.

While my wife is on the phone she keeps saying to the other person, "Well, I'll have to discuss that with Tim", so ominous.

by timsworld July 17, 2020

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


origin: Darren Hayes' MySpace video blogs.

A feeling of something being ominous - "an omnipresent intergalactic one-ness."

Darren: That note is giving this podcast a feeling of ominence. Is that even a word?
Shave: Ominence? Is it like imminence?
Darren: Well, like, if something is omiNOUS, can it be a feeling of ominence?
Shave: I would like you to call me "Your Ominence" from now on.

by Nicola Hassapis November 11, 2006

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an ominic is a weird outrageous person with no remource on how they treat other poeple. people describ them as selfish yet soemtimes nice. they sometimes an ominic will pet your head becuase of there past life as a dog. it is woderful to meet an ominic

"he/she looks like an ominic"

by urban.dictionary.com.proxybit April 30, 2020

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when you try to say "Ominous" but can't say it right

Person 1 - dude this is so "Ominism"
Person 2 - do you mean "Ominious"?

by Ivamn July 15, 2022


Soon to be bad in every conceivable way

Today feels ominent. Maybe I will lose my dog to a fire, have my grandmother hit by my car that's breaks will go out and she will fall on my cat, or it could be that my father will get arrested for reckless driving after finding that my mother ran off with another guy.

by Rikk_Anser November 17, 2009

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