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The omniverse is ALL things existent in any dimension and universe in the entirety of what is.

Omniverse > Multiverse > Universe

God(if such thing exists) is an inhabitant of the omniverse.

by Omnisense December 24, 2010

124👍 21👎


Everything inside and outside of existence.

The omniverse is the unfathomable everything inside, as well as outside existence from all the atoms to beyond the edge of space, all dimensions/alternate realities and the sum of all the verses combined (the microverse, universe, multiverse, megaverse, metaverse, etc.).

(Note: The omniverse isn't to be confused with the universe. Please see my definition of the universe for more information).

by DianaLuciusDeCollis July 5, 2022


Omniverse is a finite collections of Universes.

Person 1: Unlike the Multiverse.

Person 2: Omniverse is finite.

by Kerria190 November 28, 2016

11👍 44👎


The unfathomable everything beyond the omniverse (all things inside & outside existence) and the edge of all space.

'If you travel beyond the edge of all space and everything in existence, you might arrive at the extra-omniverse: the unfathomable thing, outside of all that is.'

(Please read the definition of omniverse for more information).

by DianaLuciusDeCollis July 6, 2022

Shiro's Gaming Omniverse

A vile cesspool of perversion and ill will. A hopelessly dark and negative bottom-society place. It is commonly believed that people entering the place never leave it for good.
'Abandon hope all ye who enter here' - A widely used quote used as a greeting with new joiners.
'Never trust Sabr, Void, Reform and Lori' - A warning designed to keep one safe.
'Praise Jux, the Mother, for The Opportunity' - A common prayer usually chanted by zealots.

"I've joined Shiro's Gaming Omniverse a few days ago."
"Never talk to me again."

by SabrSGO August 5, 2024

Shiro's Gaming Omniverse

A cesspool of vile, wretched beings. It is a semi-fictional hub of perversion and idiocy, where one's safety is constantly endangered.

'Abandon hope all ye who enter here' is a commonly used quote in regards to Shiro's Gaming Omniverse.

'Never trust Sabr, Void and Reform' is an unspoken rule made for one's survival.
'Praise be Jux, the Mother, for The Opportunity' is a common chant among the local cult zealots.

"I have joined Shiro's Gaming Omniverse a few days ago."
"Never speak to me again, do you hear me?!"

by SabrSGO August 5, 2024