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on your watch

If something happens on your watch, you are responsible for it as you were in charge.

Also can mean on your time.

I won't smoke on your watch.

by mandylovepandy April 17, 2017

fix your watch

A strong shudder resulting in an arm flail. Typically used in reference to taking a strong liquor shot.

A shota Goose takes care of everything. It’ll fix your watch.

by Shakesmear May 14, 2022

slapping your watch

It’s same as beat your meat. It’s a less specific way of talking about the term so you don’t get in trouble

“Have you been slapping your watch in the bathroom?”

by ohnomycarrots February 10, 2019

4👍 1👎

winding your ass and scratching your watch

Southern slang which describes a condition where one is confused, aloof, or just plain stupid. This condition is the anthisis of winding a watch and scratching your ass; which are normal process for any redneck over the age of 50 who is not drunk, stoned, or both.

Damn son, don't just stand there "winding your ass and scratching your watch", flip the hamburgers!

by clintoncousin November 14, 2007

51👍 15👎

Your mum's watching!

A phrase used to put pressure on the person who is about to focus or carry out an important action, in 90% of cases resulting in the person performing an epic fail.

The term is so useful as there is not a single person on the planet that will not get intimidated by a mother's look of disapproval and even a thought about your mother watching you fail makes you nervous as hell, so you will almost certainly cock up whatever important thing you are doing.

Jack: *tries to take a penalty shot*
Troll: Your mum's watching!
Jack: *feels nervous and pressurised, then realises that mum is not really watching* Fuck Yeah.

*still misses penalty*
Troll: LOOOL

by no_this_guy February 16, 2011

You like watching your neighbors watch TV?

A response one uses when they do not understand what someone is trying to tell them, or when they plainly do not give a fuck.

Hey! I just did like a bazillion second keg stand and ... *drunken mumbling*. It was awesome!
Huh, you like watching your neighbors watch TV?

by AMPflu March 24, 2011

20👍 6👎

Watch your mouth

this verbal warning and boundary is provided when someone takes personal offense to what someone else is saying. It is meant to urge the person to reconsider what they are saying.

The term can be followed up with an “or else” but it is usually the final warning before a consequence is given (a slap, getting blocked, etc.)

Ann: People from Chicago are lazy, stupid, and unconcerned.

Vance: Uh, I’m from Chicago.

Ann: So?

Vance: So Watch your mouth

by gayandaloof July 20, 2020

31👍 2👎