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Outer Space

All of the space beyond the Earth's atmosphere.

They are going to go to outer space.

by David December 8, 2003

59πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Outer Space

The state of being so messed up on drugs/alchohol that you can no longer function without the supervision of a more sober friend.

person 1: What happened last night? I don't remember a thing
person 2: haha, you were in outer space.
person 1: yeah, it feels like it!

by efhj1132 October 2, 2009

21πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

outer space

when a girls boobs are separated further then their regular position

GUY1: yo did you see those girl tits!
GUY2: yeah they are so outer spaced
GUY1: i know shit they are like 5 inches apart

(O / \ O)

by CP /DP February 26, 2011

26πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

outer space

adj; no longer popular; out of style; lame

Bell bottoms are out. They're outer than out. They're outer space.

by Kyle R 212-->954 December 17, 2007

8πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

Outer Space High

When you have the craziest head high and it feels like your mind is floating on clouds Thats a Outer Space High

Im trying to smoke today and get a Outer Space High

by Stacky Warbucks September 3, 2016

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Fib from Outer Space

A β€œmonster” that lands in the fictional town of Bumbleyburg in veggietales. When Junior asparagus keeps telling lies about breaking his dads collectors plate, the Fib grows to be a giant heck of a problem, such as smashing cars, ripping apart building decorations, and spinning a cow decor piece so hard that it flies off, catching Officer Scooter Carrot’s attention.

The funniest scene in Larry Boy, and the Fib from Outer Space is when the Fib stands on top of the water tower and shakes Junior like a salt shaker and mistakens Larry for a piece of Candy

by Eli_VeggietalesFan2007 June 25, 2021

Outer Space Potato Man

A strange creature of unknown extra-terrestrial origin. Usually somewhat lumpy and brown.

I thought you were an outer space potato man.

by WHOM? September 25, 2009

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