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The new 'CBD' of Sydney. Well-known for its culturally diverse inhabitants (with the majority being Bogan Aussie, Asian, Indian and/or Arab). Generally iconised by the giant Westfields Shopping Mall, Parramatta Eels NRL Team, scungy train station and the 'elite' Western Sydney University campus. Recent developments have included boutique hotels, concert venues and fancy restaurants.

"Why is Mariah Carey performing at Parramatta?"
Haven't you heard it's being hailed the new CBD of Sydney ..

by Western Suburbs Citizen November 7, 2017

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Parramatta eels

The best fucking team in the whole NRL the teams hottest player is dylan brown and mitchell moses is the best fucking halfback in the game and don’t even get me started on Campbell, Gillard, Junior paulo and weirmu greig the best forwards in the game oh and sivo is just simply so good he can palm of a 9foot 200kg islander and that’s why parra is simple the best.

The definition of parramatta eels is that it is a nrl team based in parramatta there logo is a eel and the teams colours are blue and gold

by Parra on top May 30, 2023

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parramatta vas

It is the act of spitting into your palm and working it around the knob of your penis pre sex to facilitate entry to front or back bottom. Parramatta refers to the origin of where the first sexual experiment took place. Vas refers to vaseline the one thing that makes easing you penis into an awfully tight vagina all the more pleasant.

Tim took Debbie who was a first timer and bent her over, added some parramatta vas and had his way with her

by MJTS July 28, 2011

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Way to go! Parramatta Car Show

The ultimate and best ever experience

Bob - Hey Bill, did see the big fight last night? Bill - Yeah sure did! Way to go! Parramatta Car Show!

by GrogMonster69er September 25, 2022