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any belonging/things a person has that you know is not theirs.

robbers: *carrying a bag of money*
You: hey! what are you doing with that partical!

by Nosirt January 2, 2016

4👍 11👎


to learn drinking cheap whiskey from your trailer home while dodging hurricanes

Wes was particing with a bottle of CheapoBooze while he experienced his trailer was in flight, hurricane Jeanne had caught him.

by vagegast September 21, 2004

1👍 3👎

The Megumi Partical

The Megumi Partical is the theory in which a person (usually a male) believes becoming romantically obsessed with another person (usually a female) in an unhealthy manor will heighten his chances with her. In most cases, the female is unaware of the obsession the male has over her. The symptoms of the Megumi Partical usually include but are not limited to the following:
•Loss of sleep over thinking about her
• Writing poems and letters, then not giving them to her
•Stalking her on social media
•Learning everything you possibly can about her
In all recorded cases of The Megumi Partical, the male has been unsuccessful in his attempts to woo the female.

Guy 1: Dude, I can't stop thinking about *insert name here*

Guy 2: Tell her how you feel man.

Guy 1: Nah, I can't, I'll just stalk her on Facebook and write her poems and have pictures of her on my phone.

Guy 2: Dude, this is a serious case of The Megumi Partical. We need to get you help.

by DefinitelyNotAPedo October 15, 2014

fart partical

When you are so worthless that you are not even a fraction of a fart. Thus for, you are a fucking partical of a fucking fart that comes out of Dave's mother fucking ass. In all actuality though, you're not even worth the fucking air that surrounds a fucking fart partical.

Dave :"that mother fucker is mother fucking fart partical, waste of oxygen piece of shit, who needs to be knocked the fuck off of their high horse"
Dani: "let's fucking go."

by The Sabeys March 22, 2018

poop particals

When you fart and someone breathes in the air you fart you are breathing in their poop parcitcals.

1.My poop particals taste like chocolate!

by Trista and Zach January 18, 2004

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