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A term often associated with African American females in the search to find da baby daddy and receive dat child support.

"Yo Shoniqua, you need to go on the Maury show to get a paternity test and find out who your baby daddy is!!"

by DNA test September 16, 2013

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Patter is Related biological specimen or pattern assimulated by your mom to make you.

Paternity, mindset of boasting about having descendents.

paternity used ensure in heritance from kings, now its tool to extrort .

by blaspheme your maker January 20, 2016


Paterne is intelligent, super funny, handsome, super hot and also the sweetest guy you will ever meet. He will take care of you when no one else is willing and support you whenever you need it. He will always trying to make you laugh or just make you happy even if it don't benefit him.

1. Paterne is the nicest person ever, like in the history of nice people.
2. Paterne is so smart even if he don't admit it.
3. Paterne is so hot, like when I see him my panties drop to the floor.

by Nju123 January 5, 2019

Paternity Fraud

A form of Perjury and Fraud that is sanctioned by the State of California. Men who do not find out that "their" children are not in fact theirs within the state's statute of limitations are forced to continue to pay child support. This can take place regardless of evidence provided by the men.

A guy signs a birth certificate because his girlfriend says he's the dad. 5 Years later he finds the children have been seeing their biological father the whole time while he has been paying child support. The state forces him to continue to pay child support regardless of the results of DNA tests.

He is a Paternity Fraud Victim.

by Dryhumor September 9, 2009

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paternal urinalphobia

n. (pa-tur-nal ur-E-nal fo-be-a) Fear of urinating next to your father at a public urinal.

Timmy, who suffered from paternal urinalphobia, found the task of tinkling next to his dad at the urinal too terrifying, so instead he sought the privacy of a stall.

by Shy Son November 26, 2011

Paternal racism

A form of racism exhibited by those who think that because a minority has suffered in the past, they are immediately less capable of logic, rationality, character, and success. Someone who is paternally racist thinks that due to these perceived shortcomings, minority members need constant hand-holding and affirmation in order to make it. Paternal racists will often believe they know what's best for minorities and feel very comfortable speaking for entire minority groups. This stems from their inability to acknowledge that minority individuals are just as capable and competent as them. Paternal racism is frequently witnessed in individuals who are over-eager to prove to others how non-racist they are. Paternal racism is superficially well-intentioned, but in reality thrives on categorizing minorities as lesser beings. It perpetuates the damaging stereotype that minorities are less capable and need help for everything.

To black person: "I think it's ridiculous our professor expects you to get A's on the test. Doesn't he know how hard you guys have it?"

Black person: "Smh, paternal racism."

by Geegeege May 26, 2017

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paternity test

Test taken to prove that a man is either the father or not the father of a child. ( see Maury show)

Stephanie tried to refuse to take the paternity test proving he wasn't the father because she didn't want the other guy to find out he wasn't the father either.

by LaDeena June 3, 2006

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