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A person who likes peas. And when you bite them, their insides squirt.

01:22 guest7215436: blake your a peadofile

by SquirtHurts August 16, 2009

27👍 8👎


It is spelt "Pedophile" not "Peadofile."

It is a person who was usually sexually abused early in life (up to 15 years of age) who later becomes sexually dysfunctional in life. They often become sexually active with children or teenagers of either sex but tends to go with someone of the same sex.

It also means that the person is attracted sexually to an underage person but without sexual contact.

His unusual attraction or fetish for catholic school girl outfits would suggest that he has pedopiliac tendencies.

by NWilliams February 20, 2004

22👍 46👎


Poppy Pellow

Poppy is a peadofile

by püssyðëstroyer November 1, 2020