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Rent-a-cops. Usually found at the mall.

Dude, watch out for the pigglets in Sears.

by Shanaynay April 9, 2005

8👍 1👎


turds that are pebbles that are so wide its hard to force out causing hemroids.

Omg i shit pigglets.

by g unit October 8, 2004

5👍 3👎

Nigglet pigglet

A name used in pure anger to insult the pigs in Angry Birds that smirk at you when you fail to kill them. Best used in a slightly cutesy voice, as to amuse anyone within hearing distance.

"DAMN IT, I've played this level ten times and I just can't get that one fucking nigglet pigglet!"

by Liz Silva July 3, 2012

12👍 1👎