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Insult: a smoker of the dirtiest cheds

Dirk you’re a fucking pilit”

by Crellin July 24, 2021


It is a religion that a person believes that the illuminati is fake and believes in the infinite soul called "the great leader" people following or believing in the religion must know minimum 10 rules:
1. PILITIST must have a thing that dont let other people read their minds (hat or something familiar).

2.PILITIST must do rituals, minimum ONE year.

3.PILITIST never draw any figures as triangel which represents as illuminati, pictagram, sex symbols or any sexuality flags.
4.PILITIST can't be in multiple religions.
5.PILITIST never do jokes about the great leader.
6.if PILITIST will be the leader, so he needs to make every his followers happy, no matter how much they hate other people.
7.PILITIST never lies to other people following the religion
8.PILITIST must have a defense which make the person minimum 60% safe from surroundings.
9.PILITIST need to trust other average people if they never lies.

10.PILITIST must share secrets to other pilitists.

Person 1:hey,do you want to be religious but you don't believe in god?
Person 2: yeah.... What?
Person 1: so you can try a new religion called Pilitism! It is about that people believe in one soul called the great leader.
Person 2:cool

by Somethingfromsomeone August 30, 2018