Source Code


To point/mark a location/object/part

I don't like kill bricks in Roblox that use neon because it's hard to pinpoint the start and the end of it.

by dgfhgfdcghghfgghhhgggghhhhhhhh July 12, 2021

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

pinpoint impression toy

A interesting contraption that was probably invented with the intention of becoming an amazing 3D device, but now can usually found in the 25 cent toy section in Walmart. It can be identified as a grid or pan of needles (ranging from silver, to neon depending on how much you want to spend on a half-hour’s worth of entertainment). When a hand or face or some other convex object is placed underneath, the needles rise to form an impression of said object.

β€œHey! This pinpoint impression toy made a cool 3D impression of my grandma’s face!”

β€œHey! This pinpoint impression toy made a cool 3D impression of me bum!”

β€œHey! This pinpoint impression toy made a cool 3D impression of a turnip!”

by Komical September 30, 2009

4πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

robbed at pinpoint

When you get cheated out of victory, specifically while bowling

Mimi got a strike, but the scoring machine counted it as a gutterball. She was robbed at pinpoint

by Mimi and Pi August 23, 2018

pinpoint binocular eyes

if you have really long and sharp vision.

1: Do you see that boat?
2:No, where is it?
1:Just out there.
2: Bro how the hell did you see that?
1: How did you not see it?!!?!?!!??!?!
2: You must have some pinpoint binocular eyes or something.

by DubbedGames June 1, 2022