Source Code


Pius is a very fun, outgoing, and extremely confident. He is never afraid to say what’s on his mind and is very understanding. He usually has black wavy like hair and soft skin with loving eyes. He has an amazing way with words and often goes to church. He loves his friends and treats others like gold unless proven not to be. He has such a big heart and always tries to do whats best for others and himself. Pius is isnt afraid to speak the truth. He is also quite a ladies man. Girls practically fall at his feet. Many have even told him to his face how “cute” or “adorable” he is. By just hanging out in public with him, you can spot about 18 girls checking him out. Remember, if you have a Pius in your life, you dont want to lose him. Although he is quick to forgive, once he’s done then he’s DONE. You’re so lucky to have a Pius in your life!!

Woahhh that guy over there is so cute!!! I think he’s a Pius!!

by Pipits December 29, 2017

121👍 7👎


A shitty school. That puts no money into anything

Student 1: yo what’s one word to describe our school
Student 2: pius

by SenseiChase March 3, 2018

13👍 11👎

Piu Piu

The most incredible living being in the whole world! Known by its creativity and beauty, overwhelms everyone. Even the mummies.

-Hi I'm Piu Piu!

by incrediblebird March 2, 2015

10👍 6👎


Pack it up

Dude, roll over in 5 minutes so we can PIU

by daugucr March 31, 2011

33👍 14👎


See Pump it Up

by Cheshire Kitty May 25, 2002

25👍 25👎

Piu Piu

Piu Piu is what you call someone when you feel like it, but most of the times it's used as an insult when someone is being a Piu Piu, or showing any signs of being one.

Guy: Wow man look at this photo.
Other Guy: Man please don't stop being a Piu Piu.
Guy: WHAT?!
Other Guy: Please stop. Why are you so Piu Piu.

by PiuPiuMaster3000 June 25, 2019

2👍 4👎


To telepathically send a heart, kiss, smooch, eskimo kiss, etc.

i PIU you!

:$:$ :$!!!

by super bubu November 8, 2008

12👍 16👎