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Man who protecc law

The policemen stopped me from getting raped, they said they will do it themselves!

by General Retard June 23, 2020

25👍 12👎


The fattest cucks in the world that won't shoot any white person but will beat a black person for no reason.

"Hey look Brook! The policemen were beating a black man for no reason but when a white guy was robbing the corner store, they did nothing!"

by resoro June 25, 2020

10👍 39👎

sleeping policemen

The Jamaican term for 'speed bumps.'

I totaled my car after hitting some sleeping policemen at 100mph, mon!

by Bippy May 29, 2006

29👍 4👎


Pronounced as police-semen

1. A gay policeman, yearning for semen

2. A gay policeman, in a way that he's a dick towards other people

1. Look! The policemen came to the picture of the rock! He didn't say "no homo"

2. This asshole gave me a speeding ticket for going 5 kph over the limit! What a policemen.

by Smoort June 24, 2020

1👍 8👎