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love love love a baby boy
did you know he is literally the bestest boy in attack on titan? no? well now you do

deserved better, so much better

fuck eren me and the homies hate eren

porco is amazing, pogchamp
head empty, just porco galliard

porco? did you mean best boy?
porco piggy porco piggy porco piggy
porco blows my mind

by shawtyโ€™s like a melody October 30, 2020

17๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


racist term used to describe the Portuguese

I fucking hate all of those porco cleaners invading our school

by portugalishome April 22, 2017

7๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


sxciest in the world

look at those porcos gettin all tha chicks

by WOG 4 LIFE October 10, 2003

17๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž


Riccardo Skonflork

Riky disse: bluarrrrggggg ho fatto un macello
Seba disse: fuori da casa mia

by Caco April 10, 2003

11๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž


Used to describe a bad fraternity brother.
Often used as an insult to Sigma Chi.

The Sigma Chi brother from Delmar who ax-murdered his father (and attempted to ax-murder his mom).

"Don't be like Porco."
"Yeah, he sucks, but at least he's not Porco."
"Haha, Sigma Chi kills their parents!"

by URDefining March 21, 2006

8๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

porco Tensing [porco Tensing]

porco Tensing, is a meme exclamation, originated from the video "Pingu sottotitolato (di nuovo)" where a portion from a Pingu episode is subtitled in italian. Being Pingu language Gibberish the subtitles are obviously fake, and made funny
Porco means pig and it's often used in blasphemy. Tensing is the italian name for the Dragon Ball character Tenshinhan.

You broke a plate, porco Tensing porco Tensing!

by Dakota264 April 10, 2020

porco dio

The most powerful italian imprecation, to call God as a Pig. It's an expression increasingly used in Italy.

Anyway it's the most used in Italy, and it's one of the main words that a foreigner learns when he comes in Italy, together with "ciao", "arrivederci", "caffรจ"...

There are many reasons to use it:
- a pain after an hurt ("porcoddio che male! - porco dio what a pain!");
- an exclamation of surprise ("porcoddio che spettacolo! - porco dio what a show!");
- an exclamation when you are doing a job that doesn't works ("eee porcoddio guarda se sto cazzo de chiodo entra ner muro! - eee porco dio look if this shit of nail goes in the wall!").

by erventresca August 31, 2012

2705๐Ÿ‘ 132๐Ÿ‘Ž